Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
CENG0002: Introduction to Chemical Engineering CENG0002 Module
CENG0003: Transport Phenomena CENG0003 Module
CENG0004: Thermodynamics CENG0004 Module
CENG0005: Physical Chemistry CENG0005 Module
CENG0006: Computational Modelling and Analysis CENG0006 Module
CENG0007: Design and Professional Skills II CENG0007 Module
CENG0008: Engineering Experimentation CENG0008 Module
CENG0009: Process Heat Transfer CENG0009 Module
CENG0010: Separation Processes I CENG0010 Module
CENG0011: Particulate Systems & Separation Processes II CENG0011 Module
CENG0012: Chemical Reaction Engineering I CENG0012 Module
CENG0013: Process Design Principles CENG0013 Module
CENG0014: Inorganic Chemistry for Engineers CENG0014 Module
CENG0016: Process Plant Design Project CENG0016 Module
CENG0017: Process Dynamics and Control CENG0017 Module
CENG0018: Chemical Reaction Engineering II CENG0018 Module
CENG0019: Transport Phenomena II CENG0019 Module
CENG0020: Process Plant Design Project CENG0020 Module
CENG0021: Organic Chemistry for Engineers CENG0021 Module
CENG0022: From Molecules to Molecular Engineering CENG0022 Module
CENG0023: Advanced Process Engineering CENG0023 Module
CENG0024: Fluid Particle Systems CENG0024 Module
CENG0025: Process Systems Modelling and Design CENG0025 Module
CENG0026: Energy Systems and Sustainability CENG0026 Module
CENG0027: Molecular Thermodynamics CENG0027 Module
CENG0028: Electrochemical Engineering and Power Sources CENG0028 Module
CENG0029: Nature Inspired Chemical Engineering CENG0029 Module
CENG0030: Advanced Materials Processes and Nanotechnology CENG0030 Module
CENG0033: Advanced Separation Processes CENG0033 Module
CENG0035: Minerals Usage, Extraction and Processing CENG0035 Module
CENG0036: Prevention and Remediation of Environmental Contamination CENG0036 Module
CENG0037: Dissertation CENG0037 Module
CENG0038: Chemical Engineering Research Project CENG0038 Module
CENG0044: Research Skills CENG0044 Module
CENG0045: Research Methods : Quantitative CENG0045 Module
CENG0047: Social Licensing CENG0047 Module
CENG0052: Advanced Process Design Principles CENG0052 Module
CENG0053: Process Engineering Modelling and Design CENG0053 Module
CENG0059: Renewable Energy in the Resources Sector CENG0059 Module
CENG0060: Integrated Hydrogeology and Sustainable Water Management CENG0060 Module
CENG0062: Sustainability and Decision-Making CENG0062 Module
CENG0064: Sustainability Analysis of Engineering Systems CENG0064 Module
CENG0065: Applications of Digital Materials Manufacturing CENG0065 Module
CENG0066: Automation of Materials Manufacturing CENG0066 Module
CENG0067: Data-driven materials manufacturing CENG0067 Module
CENG0069: High-Throughput Materials Chemistry CENG0069 Module
CENG0071: Advanced Propulsion Engineering CENG0071 Module
CENG0072: Advanced Characterisation CENG0072 Module
CENG0076: Electrochemical Materials CENG0076 Module
CENG0079: Pack Engineering CENG0079 Module
CENG0081: Nature-Inspired Materials Engineering CENG0081 Module
CENG0082: Nature-Inspired Design CENG0082 Module
CENG0083: Dynamics of Natural Systems CENG0083 Module
CENG0084: Nature-Inspired Research Project CENG0084 Module
CENG0085: Nature-Inspired Bioengineering CENG0085 Module
CENG0087: Research Methods - (Chemical Engineering) 1 CENG0087 Module
CENG0088: Research Methods - (Chemical Engineering) 2 CENG0088 Module
Electrochemistry CENG0078 Module

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