Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accessibility for All ACCESSIBILITY Module
CEGE0004: Machine Learning for Data Science CEGE0004 Module
CEGE0007: Digitalisation in Infrastructure CEGE0007 Module
CEGE0009: Structural Analysis and Design CEGE0009 Module
CEGE0010: Introduction to Environmental Engineering CEGE0010 Module
CEGE0011: Materials and Applied Fluid Mechanics II CEGE0011 Module
CEGE0012: Scenarios in Civil Engineering CEGE0012 Module
CEGE0013: Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology CEGE0013 Module
CEGE0014: Surveying and Field Studies CEGE0014 Module
CEGE0015: Environmental Systems CEGE0015 Module
CEGE0016: Financial Aspects of Project Engineering and Contracting CEGE0016 Module
CEGE0017: Civil Engineering Project CEGE0017 Module
CEGE0020: Systems, Society and Sustainability CEGE0020 Module
CEGE0022: Water and Wastewater Treatment CEGE0022 Module
CEGE0023: Offshore and Coastal Engineering CEGE0023 Module
CEGE0024: Structures and Materials CEGE0024 Course
CEGE0025: Engineering and International Development CEGE0025 Module
CEGE0026: Fluids and Soils III CEGE0026 Module
CEGE0028: Systems Engineering and Management CEGEM014 Module
CEGE0028: Systems Engineering and Management CEGE0028 Module
CEGE0029: Collaborative Environmental Systems Project CEGE0029 Module
CEGE0030: Roads and Underground Infrastructure: Design, Construction and Maintenance CEGE0030 Module
CEGE0031: Advanced Soil Mechanics CEGE0031 Module
CEGE0032: Introduction to Seismic Design of Structures CEGE0032 Module
CEGE0035: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering CEGE0035 Module
CEGE0037: Reliability Risk and Resilience Engineering CEGE0037 Module
CEGE0038: Finite-Element Modelling and Numerical Methods CEGE0038 Module
CEGE0039: Urban Flooding and Drainage CEGE0039 Module
CEGE0040: Structural Dynamics CEGE0040 Module
CEGE0044: Data Analysis CEGE0044 Module
CEGE0046: Advanced Structural Analysis CEGE0046 Module
CEGE0047: MRes Urban Sustainability and Resilience: Research Project CEGE0047 Module
CEGE0050: Interdisciplinary Thinking in Urban Sustainability and Resilience CEGE0050 Module
CEGE0051: Structural Vulnerability and Resilience CEGE0051 Module
CEGE0052: Spatial Databases and Data Management CEGE0052 Module
CEGE0053: Applied Building Information Modelling CEGE0053 Module
CEGE0054: Environmental Modelling CEGE0054 Module
CEGE0055: Appropriate Technologies in Practice. CEGE0055 Module
CEGE0057: Advanced Civil Engineering Materials CEGE0057 Module
CEGE0059: Life Cycle Assessment CEGE0059 Module
CEGE0061: Advanced Seismic Design of Structures CEGE0061 Module
CEGE0064: Waste and Resource Efficiency CEGE0064 Module
CEGE0083: Engineering Design CEGE0083 Module
CEGE0084: Engineering context and impacts CEGE0084 Module
CEGE0091: Transport and Health CEGE0091 Module
CEGE0092: Reality Capture and Precision 3D Sensing CEGE0092 Module
CEGE0094 : Geospatial Science CEGE0094 Module
CEGE0095: Sensors and Location CEGE0095 Module
CEGE0096: Geospatial Programming CEGE0096 Module
CEGE0100: Soil Mechanics CEGE0100 Module
CEGE0101: Structural Mechanics CEGE0101 Module
CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering CEGE0102 Module
CEGE0106: Urban Railway Planning and Analysis CEGE0106 Module
CEGE0108: Materials and Applied Fluid Mechanics 1 CEGE0108 Module
CEGE0109: Transport and Behaviour Change CEGE0109 Module
CEGE0121: Shared Mobility and Mass Transport Systems CEGE0121 Module
CEGE0127: Transport System Transitions CEGE0127 Module
CEGE0129: Transport and the Environment CEGE0129 Module
CEGE3015: Coastal Engineering CEGE3015 Module
CEGE3020: Water and Wastewater Treatment CEGE3020 Module
EIDH: Engineering International Development Hub EIDH Module
IFTE0001: Introduction to Banking IFTE0001 Module
IFTE0002: Finance and Artificial Intelligence IFTE0002 Module
IFTE0003: Big Data in Quantitative Finance IFTE0003 Module
IFTE0004: Financial Analytics and Machine Learning IFTE0004 Module
IFTE0005: Corporate Activity and Capital Structure IFTE0005 Module
IFTE0006: Risk Analysis and Quantitative Asset Allocation IFTE0006 Module
IFTE0007: Monetary System and Digital Finance IFTE0007 Module
IFTE0008: Dissertation CEGE0074 Module
IFTE0009: Asset Pricing IFTE0009 Module
IFTE0010: Fundamentals of Venture Capital and Private Equity IFTE0010 Module
IFTE0012: Financial Statement Analysis IFTE0012 Module
IFTE0013: Introduction to Regulation for Fintech, Private Equity and Venture Capital Firms IFTE0013 Module
IFTE0014: Foundations of Financial Technology IFTE0014 Module
IFTE0015: Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation IFTE0015 Module
IFTE0016: Start-up and Innovative Business Modelling IFTE0016 Module
IFTE0017: Data Analytics and Machine Learning IFTE0017 Module
IFTE0024: Data Analytics and Financial Strategies IFTE0024 Module

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