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CMII0008: African Studies and Education (Summer Intensive) CMII0008 Module
EDPS0001: Introduction to Education Studies EDPS0001 Module
EDPS0002: Representations of Education in Film EDPS0002 Module
EDPS0003: Living in a Schooled Society EDPS0003 Module
EDPS0004: Foundations in the Sociology of Education EDPS0004 Module
EDPS0005: Literacy, Language and Communication EDPS0005 Module
EDPS0006: How People Learn EDPS0006 Module
EDPS0007: Understanding Education Research: Numbers, Narratives, Knowledge and Nonsense EDPS0007 Module
EDPS0008: Global Issues in Education EDPS0008 Module
EDPS0009: Researching Education and Society: Qualitative Methods EDPS0009 Module
EDPS0010: Philosophical Research in Education EDPS0010 Module
EDPS0011: Social History of Learning and Learners EDPS0011 Module
EDPS0012: Educating and Organising for Social Justice EDPS0012 Module
EDPS0013: Archival Research and Oral History in Education EDPS0013 Module
EDPS0014: The Learning Sciences EDPS0014 Module
EDPS0015: Ways of Thinking and Ways of Being EDPS0015 Module
EDPS0016: Creativity in Education EDPS0016 Module
EDPS0017: Educating Minorities, Migrants and Refugees EDPS0017 Module
EDPS0018: Policy and Politics in Education EDPS0018 Module
EDPS0019: Educating for Employment? Understanding Learning in the 21st Century Economy EDPS0019 Module
EDPS0020: Elites, education and inequalities EDPS0020 Module
EDPS0021: Gender, Sexuality and Feminisms in Everyday Lives EDPS0021 Module
EDPS0022: Literacies Across the Lifecourse EDPS0022 Module
EDPS0023: Media Education in Schools: New Literacies and Production EDPS0023 Module
EDPS0024: Radical Education EDPS0024 Module
EDPS0025: Youth in a Globalising World EDPS0025 Module
EDPS0026: Youth and Youth Movements in the Modern World EDPS0026 Module
EDPS0027: Rights, Equality and Justice in Education EDPS0027 Module
EDPS0028: Dissertation EDPS0028 Module
EDPS0029: Education, Religion and State: Historical and Contemporary Developments EDPS0029 Module
EDPS0032: Higher Education: Comparative and International Perspectives EDPS0032 Module
EDPS0034: Learning and Working in International Contexts EDPS0034 Module
EDPS0036: Professionalism and Expertise: Theories and Perspectives EDPS0036 Module
EDPS0037: Theoretical Foundations of Educational Ideas EDPS0037 Module
EDPS0039: Philosophy of Education: Knowledge, Mind and Understanding EDPS0039 Module
EDPS0044: Understanding Education Research EDPS0044 Module
EDPS0047: Gender, Sexuality and Education EDPS0047 Module
EDPS0048: Gender, Education and Development EDPS0048 Module
EDPS0049: MA EGID Report EDPS0049 Module
EDPS0051: Report on Education, Health Promotion and International Development EDPS0051 Module
EDPS0052: Dissertation on Education, Health Promotion and International Development EDPS0052 Module
EDPS0053: Education and Muslim Communities EDPS0053 Module
EDPS0054: Planning for Education and Development EDPS0054 Module
EDPS0055: Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Planning, Practice and Participation EDPS0055 Module
EDPS0056: Learners, Learning and Teaching in the Context of Education for All EDPS0056 Module
EDPS0057: Education and International Development: Concepts, Theories and Issues EDPS0057 Module
EDPS0058: Education, Conflict and Fragility EDPS0058 Module
EDPS0060: Dissertation on Education and International Development EDPS0060 Module
EDPS0072: Philosophy of Education: Values, Aims and Society EDPS0072 Module
EDPS0078: Rights and Education EDPS0078 Module
EDPS0081: Sociology of Education EDPS0081D Module
EDPS0088: Dissertation on Educational Planning, Economics and International Development (EPEID) EDPS0088 Module
EDPS0114: Planning and Enabling Learning and Assessment in the Context of Literacy and ESOL Teaching EDPS0114 Module
EDPS0115: Theories and Contexts for Language and Literacy Learning EDPS0115 Module
EDPS0116: Literacy and ESOL Theoretical Frameworks and Curriculum Design EDPS0116 Module
EDPS0119: Planning and Enabling Learning and Assessment in the Context of Mathematics and Numeracy EDPS0119 Module
EDPS0120: Theories and Contexts for Mathematics and Numeracy Learning EDPS0120 Module
EDPS0121: Mathematics and Numeracy Theoretical Frameworks and Curriculum Design EDPS0121 Module
EDPS0122: Wider Professional Practice and Development in the Context of Mathematics and Numeracy EDPS0122 Module
EDPS0128: Literacy and ESOL Learning and Teaching EDPS0128 Module
EDPS0135: Educational Traditions and Systems in Europe EDPS0135 Module
EDPS0136: Minorities, Migrants and Refugees in National Education Systems EDPS0136 Module
EDPS0137: Comparative Education: Theories and Methods EDPS0137 Module
EDPS0138: Education and Development in Asia EDPS0138 Module
EDPS0140: Higher Education Institutions as Organisations: Their Strategic Management EDPS0140 Module
EDPS0142: Marketing in Higher Education EDPS0142 Module
EDPS0143: Institutional Governance in Higher Education EDPS0143 Module
EDPS0148: Managing the Physical University: Space and Place in Higher Education EDPS0148 Module
EDPS0156: Innovation and Change in Higher Education EDPS0156 Module
EDPS0157 and EDPS0158: Report and Dissertation on Higher Education EDPS0158 Module
EDPS0161: The English Language Learner EDPS0161 Module
EDPS0162: Teaching English: Theories and Approaches EDPS0162 Module
EDPS0170: Learning and Teaching for Adults EDPS0170 Module
EDPS0210: Foundations of Professionalism in Education EDPS0210 Module
EDPS0211: Methods of Enquiry 1 EDPS0211 Module
EDPS0214: Sociology of Race and Education EDPS0214 Module
EDPS0215: Understanding Education Policy EDPS0215 Module
EDPS0216: An Introduction to Applied Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences EDPS0216 Module
EDPS0217: Children with Disabilities: Theory, Politics and Experience EDPS0217 Module
EDPS0218: Education in the Age of Globalisation EDPS0218 Module
EDPS0219: Engineering Learning and Teaching: Perspectives and Issues EDPS0219 Module
EDPS0220: Engineering and Education: Practice Innovation and Leadership EDPS0220 Module
EDPS0224: Engineering and Education Dissertation EDPS0224 Module
EDPS0227: Learning, teaching and assessment EDPS0227 Module
EDPS0228: Learning, teaching and assessment (English language and literacy) EDPS0228 Module
EDPS0229: Learning, teaching and assessment (mathematics and numeracy) EDPS0229 Module
EDPS0230: The wider context of educational practice EDPS0230 Module
EDPS0233: The Worlds of UCL: Critical histories of education, nation and empire EDPS0233 Module
EDPS0235: Identities: Sociological Perspectives EDPS0235 Module
EDPS0236: Global Issues: Interconnections and Dislocations EDPS0236 Module
EDPS0239: International Development and Education EDPS0239 Module
EDPS0240: Sociology of Media EDPS0240 Module
EDPS0247: Global London - Contemporary Urban Education, Culture and Space EDPS0247 Module
EDPS0249: Engineering and Education Report EDPS0249 Module
EDPS0250: Children, Families and Education in Modern China, 1890 to the Present EDPS0250 Module
EDPS0252: Materials and Meanings of Education EDPS0252 Module
EDPS0253: Children in Society EDPS0253 Module
EDPS0255: HE and Universities EDPS0255 Module
EDPSG015A: Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education EDPSG015A Module
Education During Emergency Situations EDPS0243 Module
Education Studies Placement Module EDPS0246 Module
Education, conflict and peace EDPS0244 Module
Education, Values and Identities EDPS0226 Module
EPDS0061: Educational Planning, Economics and International Development (EPEID) Report EPDS0061 Module
Families and Children: Professionals and the State EDPS0251 Module
HSSC6091B: New Directions in Education HSSC6091B Module
HSSC6171B: Media Cultures and Technologies in Education HSSC6171B Module
Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences EDPS0232 Module
LCEDG141: Simulation in Clinical Education LCEDG141 Module
MA EID Cluster Dissertation with Integrated Research Teaching (DwiRT) 2022 -23 DWIRT Programme
Professional Enquiry EDPS0031 Module
Reimagining Disaster Education: Perspectives and Methodologies EDPS0245 Module
SOCS0020: Economic Perspectives of Education Policy SOCS0020 Module
The Teacher in Policy and Research EDPS0234 Module
Urban Sociology in a Globalizing World EDPS0237 Module
Values-led leadership in round Square schools (UCLeXtend Module) UCL_EXTEND001 Module
Work, Artificial Intelligence and Learning EDPS0225 Module

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