Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Data Visualization and GIS INST0065 Module
Global Digital Humanities INST0076 Module
INST0001: Database Systems A INST0001 Module
INST0002: Programming 1 INST0002 Module
INST0003: Information Systems INST0003 Module
INST0004: Programming 2 INST0004 Module
INST0006: Introduction to Digital Humanities INST0006 Module
INST0007: Web Technologies, Users and management INST0007 Module
INST0008: Access and Use of Archives and Records INST0008 Module
INST0010: Cataloguing and Classification 1 INST0010 Module
INST0011: Managing Collections INST0011 Module
INST0012: Database Systems Analysis and Design INST0012 Module
INST0015: Historical Bibliography INST0015 Module
INST0016: Supporting Information Users INST0016 Module
INST0018: Internet Technologies INST0018 Module
INST0019: Introduction to Programming and Scripting INST0019 Module
INST0021: Managing Information Organisations INST0021 Module
INST0022: The Record-keeping Professional INST0022 Module
INST0023: Manuscript Studies INST0023 Module
INST0024: Using technology in information organisations INST0024 Module
INST0026: The Library and Information Professional INST0026 Module
INST0028: Creation and Capture INST0028 Module
INST0035: Independent Study: Health Librarianship INST0035 Module
INST0040: Oral History: Creation to Curation INST0040 Module
INST0041: Concepts and Contexts INST0041 Module
INST0042: Curation and Stewardship INST0042 Module
INST0044: Introduction to Digitisation INST0044 Module
INST0045: Digital Curation INST0045 Module
INST0046: Publishing Contexts INST0046 Module
INST0048: Author Management INST0048 Module
INST0049: Publishing Skills INST0049 Module
INST0054: Information Literacy INST0054 Module
INST0056: Doctoral Seminar: 2020/21 INST0056 Module
INST0057: Information Governance INST0057 Module
INST0059: Booksellers and Bookselling INST0059 Module
INST0060: Foundations of Machine Learning and Data Science INST0060 Module
INST0062: Dissertation INST0062 Module
INST0063: Statistical Methods INST0063 Module
INST0066: Developing Dynamic Web Applications INST0066 Module
INST0067: Ethics in Publishing INST0067 Module
INST0069: Graph Databases and Semantic Technologies INST0069 Module
INST0071: Editorial Practice INST0071 Module
INST0072: Logic and Knowledge Representation INST0072 Module
INST0073: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis INST0073 Module
INST0074: Models of Human Reasoning INST0074 Module
INST0079: Social Media, Platforms and Power INST0079 Module
INST0081: rauma-Informed Approaches to Managing Archives, Records and Cultural Heritage INST0081 Module
INST0086: Foundations of Stat Methods and Computing INST0086 Module
INST0087: How the Web Works INST0087 Module
INST0088: Information Literacy INST0088 Module
INST0092: Maths & Stats in Information Studies INST0092 Module
INST0094: Uses, Abuses, and Ethics of Information INST0094 Module
INST0095: Publishing Studies INST0095 Module
INST0096: Working in Publishing INST0096 Module
INST0097: Marketing and Publicity INST0097 Module
INST0099 Information Retrieval and Search INST0099 Module
Knowledge Organisation INST0070 Module
Publishing and book culture PUBLCULT Module

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