Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
CPAS0074: Guiding Effective Learning and Teaching CPAS0074 Module
Introducing International Perspectives in Early Childhood Education LCLL0115 Module
IOEF0001: Institution-Focused Study IOEF0001 Module
IOEF0020: Institution-Focused Study (Year 2) IOEF0020 Module
IOEF0024: Understanding Research Practice IOEF0024 Module
IOETFSI1718: Teach First Early Years and Primary Summer Institute IOETFSI1718 Module
IOTFMain_Sept2017 : Teach First Main IOTFMAIN Module
LCLL0015: Teaching and Learning and the EYFS Curriculum LCLL0015 Module
LCLL0016: Developing Action Based Research LCLL0016 Module
LCLL0020: Professional Practice (EYITT) LCLL0020 Module
LCLL0022: Contemporary Issues in Early Years LCLL0022 Module
LCLL0024: Early Childhood Education LCLL0024 Module
LCLL0025: Leadership in Early Childhood Education LCLL0025 Module
LCLL0026: Dissertation on Early Years Education LCLL0026 Module
LCLL0027: The Theory and Practice of Reading Recovery: Children, Teachers and Schools LCLL0027 Module
LCLL0029: Literacy Practice in Writing and Comprehension LCLL0029 Module
LCLL0030: Research methods in literacy LCLL0030 Module
LCLL0033: Primary Education Policies and Practices LCLL0033 Module
LCLL0035: Contemporary Issues and Debates in Primary Education LCLL0035 Module
LCLL0036: Report on Primary Education (Policy and Practice) LCLL0036 Module
LCLL0037: Dissertation on Primary Education (Policy and Practice) LCLL0037 Module
LCLL0038: Literacy Development LCLL0038 Module
LCLL0047: Independent Study Module - Leadership Development LCLL0047 Module
LCLL0050: Leadership for the Learning Community LCLL0050 Module
LCLL0051: Doing and Using Educational Leadership and Management Research LCLL0051 Module
LCLL0060: Leading People for Effective Learning LCLL0060 Module
LCLL0061: Leading and Managing Change and Improvement (Leadership) LCLL0061 Module
LCLL0062: Leading in Diverse Cultures and Communities (Leadership) LCLL0062 Module
LCLL0064: System Leadership LCLL0064 Module
LCLL0068: Dissertation LCLL0068 Module
LCLL0070: Strategic Leadership and Resource Management LCLL0070 Module
LCLL0080: Researching Early Years and Primary Education LCLL0080 Module
LCLL0096: International Perspectives on Accountability and Evaluation in Education LCLL0096 Module
LCLL0100: Introduction to Educational Leadership LCLL0100 Module
LCLL0101: Leading and Managing Educational Change and Improvement LCLL0101 Module
LCLL0102: Leadership for The Educational Learning Organisation LCLL0102 Module
LCLL0105: Exploring Educational and Social Policy LCLL0105 Module
LCLL0106 : Finance and resource management LCLL0106 Module
LCLL0107: Values, Vision and Moral Purpose in Educational Leadership LCLL0107 Module
LCLL0108: Literacy in a changing world LCLL0108 Module
LCLL0109: Name TBC LCLL0109 Module
LCLL0110 / LCLL0111: Dissertation/Report in Literacy Education with Integrated Research Methods module LCLL0110 Module
LCLL0111 / LCLL0110: Dissertation/Report in Literacy Education with Integrated Research Methods module LCLL0111 Module
LCLL0112: Creating Learning Environments LCLL0112 Module
LCLL0113: From Birth to Eight International Integrated Early Childhood Education and Care Systems, Services... LCLL0113 Module
LCLL0114: Global Childhoods: Her/Histories, Cultures, and Societies LCLL0114 Module
LCLL0117: Theoretical Perspectives of Children's Learning and Development LCLL00117 Module
LCLL0118: Understanding Play and Pedagogy Around the World LCLL0118 Module
Practice-Based Community Learning I LCLL0116 Module
Primary Mathematics Teaching: Maths and Pedagogy LCLL0097 Module
Primary PGCE PGCE Programme
Psychological and Sociological Perspectives on Inclusion and Special Educational Need LCLL0133 Module
TDPTFISMAT01: Maths Teach First 2019 Intake TDPTFISMAT01 Module
Teach First Science (PGDE) 2017 - 2018 TFPGDE Module
TEPSECSBUS01: Business Education - Post Graduate Certificate in Education TEPSECSBUS01 Module
TEPSECSECO01: Economics - Post Graduate Certificate in Education TEPSECSECO01 Module
TMAEDUSEYE01: MA Early Years Education: Pre-Course Reading List TMAEDUSEYE01 Programme

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