Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
MECH0003: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering MECH0003 Module
MECH0004: Mechanical Engineering Practical Skills 1 MECH0004 Module
MECH0005: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics 1 MECH0005 Module
MECH0006: Engineering Dynamics MECH0006 Module
MECH0007: Fundamentals of Materials 1 MECH0007 Module
MECH0009: Manufacturing and Design MECH0009 Module
MECH0010: Control and Instrumentation MECH0010 Module
MECH0011: Intermediate Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics MECH0011 Module
MECH0013: Mechanics of Solids and Structures MECH0013 Module
MECH0015: Engineering Materials - Failure and Design MECH0015 Module
MECH0016: Design and professional skills II (for Mechanical Engineers) MECH0016 Module
MECH0018: Fundamentals of Biomechanics MECH0018 Module
MECH0019: Ocean Engineering Fundamentals MECH0019 Module
MECH0020: Undergraduate Individual Project MECH0020 Module
MECH0023: Dynamics and Control MECH0023 Module
MECH0024: Advanced Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics MECH0024 Module
MECH0026: Elasticity and Plasticity MECH0026 Module
MECH0027: Elasticity and Plasticity A MECH0027 Module
MECH0028: Bio Fluid Mechanics MECH0028 Module
MECH0029: Solid Biomechanics MECH0029 Module
MECH0031: Tissue Engineering MECH0031 Module
MECH0032: New and Renewable Energy Systems MECH0032 Module
MECH0034: Biomaterials MECH0034 Module
MECH0036: Biofluids and Medical Devices MECH0036 Module
MECH0038: Biomechanics and Biostructures MECH0038 Module
MECH0040: Applications of Biomedical Engineering MECH0040 Module
MECH0042: Bioengineering MECH0042 Module
MECH0044: Evaluation and Planning of Business Opportunities in Bioprocessing and Life sciences MECH0044 Module
MECH0047: Medical Imaging (Ionising and Non-ionising) MECH0047 Module
MECH0048: MSc Individual Project (Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering) MECH0048 Module
MECH0049: Innovation and Group Design Project MECH0049 Module
MECH0051: Applied Thermodynamics and Turbomachinary MECH0051 Module
MECH0053: Power Transmission and Auxillary Machinary Systems MECH0053 Module
MECH0055: Materials and Fatigue MECH0055 Module
MECH0059: Advanced Computer Applications in Engineering MECH0059 Module
MECH0062: Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Systems MECH0062 Module
MECH0064: MSc Group Project MECH0064 Module
MECH0065: MSc Individual Research Project (75 Credits) MECH0065 Module
MECH0066: Ship Dynamics MECH0066 Module
MECH0069: Ship Design Exercise for Naval Architects MECH0069 Module
MECH0071: Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Propulsion MECH0071 Module
MECH0074: Engineering in Extreme Environments MECH0074 Module
MECH0075: Health Assessment of Engineered Structures MECH0075 Module
MECH0084: Ship Design Exercise for Naval Architects MECH0084 Module
MECH0090: Vibrations and Acoustics MECH0090 Module
MECH0097: Materials design for manufacturing (at UCL East) MECH0097 Module
MECH0102: Ship Hydrostatics, Stability and Survivability MECH0102 Module
MECH0104: Ship Resistance and Propulsion MECH0104 Module
MECH0107: Data-Driven Methods for Engineers MECH0107 Module
Micro/Nano Architected Composite Materials MECH0096 Module
MTEC: Marine Engineering MTEC Module
Precision Manufacturing MECH0098 Module

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