Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Battle for Memory in the Contemporary Spanish Novel: Primary Phase SPAN0048 Module
Childhood in Latin American Cinema SPAN0051 Module
Lanscape and the Environment in Contemporary Latin American Culture SPAN0084 Module
PORT0001: Beginners' Portuguese PORT0001 Module
PORT0003: Introduction to Portuguese Literature PORT0003 Module
PORT0004: The Brazilian Novel PORT0004 Module
PORT0005: Intermediate Portuguese PORT0005 Module
PORT0006: The Golden Age of Portuguese Travel Literature PORT0006 Module
PORT0007: 20th Century Brazilian Literary Works into Film PORT0007 Module
PORT0008: Advanced Portuguese PORT0008 Module
PORT0009: Portugal and it's Empire in the 20th Century: Trajectories and Memories PORT0009 Module
PORT0010: Short Fiction and the Making of Modern Brazil PORT0010 Module
PORT0014: Afro-Brazilian Literature in Translation PORT0014 Module
SPAN0001: Spanish Language I SPAN0001 Module
SPAN0006: Introduction to Spanish Film SPAN0006 Module
SPAN0011: Cultural Responses to the Mexican Revolution SPAN0011 Module
SPAN0016: Spanish Language II SPAN0016 Module
SPAN0019: Women's Writing in Latin America i SPAN0019 Module
SPAN0025: Introduction to Latin American Cinema SPAN0025 Module
SPAN0032: History of Colonial Latin America SPAN0032 Module
SPAN0033: History of Spain in the Twentieth Century SPAN0033 Module
SPAN0034: Spanish Language III SPAN0034 Module
SPAN0036: Latin American Vanguard Movements SPAN0036 Module
SPAN0045: History of Modern Latin America SPAN0045 Module
SPAN0070: The City in Latin American Culture SPAN0070 Module
SPAN0074: New Argentine Cinemas SPAN0074 Module
SPAN0079: Contemporary Catholicisms in Latin American Culture SPAN0079 Module
SPAN0080: Crime Fictions in Latin America SPAN0080 Module
SPAN0091: Writing the Dictator, Writing under Dictatorship SPAN0091 Module
SPAN0092: Creating the Urban Margins in Latin America SPAN0092 Module
SPAN0095: Film Adaptation in the Americas SPAN0095 Module
SPAN7302: Theatre in Spain's Golden Age SPAN7302 Module
The Visual Politics of the Drug Wars SPAN0090 Module
What Women Want: Galdos and Pardo Bazan SPAN0017 Module

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