Browse Hierarchy WISELIB: Library training and information
Browse Module
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Academic communication skills resources | ACADEMIC_COMMUNICATION_SKILLS | Module |
Lists linked to Library training and information
Title Sort by title | Academic Year | Last updated Sort by last updated |
AI in Education | 12/06/2024 11:01:15 | |
Academic communication skills resources | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/12/2024 15:57:09 |
COVID-19 | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/07/2024 00:12:02 |
Critical appraisal of studies in life and medical sciences | 08/01/2025 16:08:18 | |
Earth Sciences generic list | Academic Year 2024/25 | 16/07/2024 20:27:34 |
EPQ Research Lesson | Academic Year 2024/25 | 16/07/2024 17:02:17 |
Fake news and filter bubbles: evaluating information | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/07/2024 04:44:04 |
Getting your paper published: life and medical sciences | 18/12/2024 12:25:32 | |
Liberating the Curriculum for Reading Lists | 11/10/2024 13:38:41 | |
Liberating the Library | 25/05/2021 09:23:08 | |
Open Education at UCL | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/07/2024 05:29:43 |
Philosophy primary texts | Academic Year 2024/25 | 20/08/2024 11:26:03 |
Science Library Induction | Academic Year 2024/25 | 16/07/2024 18:41:48 |
Sleep Week Reading List | Academic Year 2024/25 | 16/07/2024 19:56:05 |
Sources of Socio-Economic Data | 25/09/2024 08:14:21 | |
SSEES Connected Learning Tips & Tricks | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/07/2024 00:27:37 |
Systematic Reviews | 04/03/2025 09:35:14 | |
UCL Special Collections Primary Sources (Dissertations and Research Projects) | Academic Year 2024/25 | 17/07/2024 02:37:49 |
UCL Special Collections: Resources on the history of astronomy | 03/02/2025 12:43:40 |