Browse Department

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BEDRSOC: Bedrock of Society BEDRSOC Module
HIST0003: Concepts, Categories and the Practice of History HIST0003 Module
HIST0004: Between Politics and Culture: German Ideas 1890 - 1970 HIST0004 Module
HIST0007: Writing History HIST0007 Module
HIST0008: Making History HIST0008 Module
HIST0015: Roman Democracy: Myth or Reality? HIST0015 Module
HIST0021: Understanding the Early Mesopotamian World HIST0021 Module
HIST0024: Broadcasting Modernity: A global History of Radio and Television in the Twentieth Century HIST0024 Module
HIST0033: First European Union, Christendom 1187-1321 HIST0033 Module
HIST0046: A Global History of the French Revolution HIST0046 Module
HIST0051: Religious Reformation and Popular Piety, 1450-1650 HIST0051 Module
HIST0066: The South Sea Bubble HIST0066 Module
HIST0073 : War, rebellion, and social discontent in modern China HIST0073 Module
HIST0075: India and the Global Economy, 1500-Present HIST0075 Module
HIST0081: Social Change, New Social Movements, and Politics in Britain after 1945 HIST0081 Module
HIST0087 / HIST0547: Africa, Decolonization and Internationalism HIST0087 Module
HIST0088: The Disunited States: Contested Visions of America HIST0088 Module
HIST0089: Second Year Research Seminar HIST0089 Module
HIST0107: Great Britain and the American Colonies 1760-1776 HIST0107 Module
HIST0128: History of the Modern Middle East HIST0128 Module
HIST0140: History of Political Thought in the West HIST0140 Module
HIST0156: The Roman Republic, c.350 BC-44 BC HIST0156 Module
HIST0163: History of the Modern Middle East HIST0163 Module
HIST0176: The Transformation of Britain 1547-1707 HIST0176 Module
HIST0178: British History c.1850-1990 HIST0178 Module
HIST0182: Early Modern Europe HIST0182 Module
HIST0187: Building the American Nation: The United States, 1789-1920 HIST0187 Module
HIST0188: Building the American Nation: The United States, 1789-1920 Affiliate HIST0188 Module
HIST0196: The Transmission of Knowledge in the Ancient World HIST0196 Module
HIST0197: Age of Revolution: European History 1815-1870 HIST0197 Module
HIST0205: History of Latin America c.1830-c.1930 HIST0205 Module
HIST0208: The Making of Modern America: The United States since 1920 HIST0208 Module
HIST0228: Ancient Greek religion of the archaic and classical period HIST0228 Module
HIST0256: State Sovereignty and Liberty HIST0256 Module
HIST0269: Penal Era or Golden Age? HIST0269 Module
HIST0281: Queer Histories in Britain from the 1800s to the 1980s HIST0281 Module
HIST0286: History of Parliament HIST0286 Module
HIST0302: Voluntary Organisations, NGOs and the British Public (1914-1985) HIST0302 Module
HIST0309: Race, Ethnicity and the "Other" in Africa HIST0309 Module
HIST0310: Teaching History HIST0310 Module
HIST0360: Hollywood Genres HIST0360 Module
HIST0362: Empire and its Afterlives in Britain Since 1940 HIST0362 Module
HIST0368: The United States and the World 1776-1900 HIST0368 Module
HIST0375: Gender and Sexuality in Modern Britain, c1850 to the Present HIST0375 Module
HIST0376: Gender and Sexuality in Modern Britain, c.1850-present HIST0376 Module
HIST0442: Hellenistic Encounters with Egypt HIST0442 Module
HIST0443: Hellenistic Encounters with Egypt HIST0443 Module
HIST0472: Successors to the Habsburgs: East- Central Europe 1914-1945: Rebecca Haynes HIST0472 Module
HIST0474: The Fall and Rise of the Polish Nation, 1648-1921 : Richard Butterwick HIST0474 Module
HIST0478: Dictatorship as Experience. The Coexistence of Consensus and Refusal in the German Democratic Republic HIST0478 Module
HIST0481: Monarchs and the Enlightenment in Russia and Central Europe HIST0481 Module
HIST0488: History of Russia 1598-1856 HIST0488 Module
HIST0489: History of Russia 1598-1856 HIST0489 Module
HIST0490: History of Modern Germany 1815-1990 HIST0490 Module
HIST0494: Fascism and authoritarianism in Eastern Europe 1918-1945: Rebecca Haynes HIST0494 Module
HIST0497: The Balkans from Empire to nation state HIST0497 Module
HIST0500: Society and Politics in Late Imperial Russia HIST0500 Module
HIST0508: Understanding the Early Mesopotamian World A HIST0508 Module
HIST0537: Personal Testimonies of Twentieth-Century Britain HIST0537 Module
HIST0582: The Transformation of Britain 1547-1707 Affiliate HIST0582 Module
HIST0598: History of Latin America c.1830-c.1930 HIST0598 Module
HIST0600: The Making of Modern America: The United States since 1920 Affiliate HIST0600 Module
HIST0617: Untold Stories: Constructing Lives, Narratives, and Experiences in Wartime East Asia HIST0617 Module
HIST0627: Crisis and Future in 19th Century HIST0627 Module
HIST0633: Propaganda and Ideology in Rome HIST0633 Module
HIST0653: Black Georgians: Race, Nation and Migration in Eighteenth-Century Britain HIST0653 Module
HIST0654: The Great Depression and the Making of the Third World HIST0654 Module
HIST0660: Ancient Near Eastern Religion HIST0660 Module
HIST0667: Contested country : a History of Hungary 1790-1900 HIST0667 Module
HIST0698: Untold Stories: Constructing Lives, Narratives, and Experiences in Wartime East Asia HIST0698 Module
HIST0710: Gender and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe HIST0710 Module
HIST0721: The History of the Soviet Union HIST0721 Module
HIST0759: Europe in Revolution, 1848–1849 HIST0759 Module
HIST0770: Advanced Seminar, Race, Identity and Empire in the Iberian World, 1500-1700 HIST0770 Module
HIST0771: Gender and Sexuality in Transnational Perspective: 1850-1980s HIST0771 Module
HIST0774: Controversies and debates in first world war studies HIST0774 Module
HIST0776: The Cause of All Mankind? US Encounters with Revolution, c.1880-1980 HIST0776 Module
HIST0778: Europe's first word war: 1911-1923 HIST0778 Module
HIST0782: Urban culture and modernity: Vienna - Prague - Budapest 1857-1938: Egbert Klautke HIST0782 Module
HIST0790: Cops, Cartels and Cash Crops: The Drug Trade in the Americas, 1900 to the Present HIST0790 Module
HIST0804: Sin in the Middle Ages: c.400 -c.1550 HIST0804 Module
HIST0812: Native North America, c.1600-1850 HIST0812 Module
HIST0818: Remembering Conflict and Mass Violence HIST0818 Module
HIST0824: Africa and the World HIST0824 Module
HIST0827: Approaches to the Origins of American Politics HIST0827 Module
HIST0829: Roman Religion: Belief, Culture and Politics HIST0829 Module
HIST0830: American Borderlands: Land and Power at America's Margins, c.1763-1900 HIST0830 Module
HIST0847: Themes and Controversies in Modern British History HIST0847 Module
HIST0848: Research and Writing Skills for the MA in History HIST0848 Module
HIST0854: Home, Exile and Displacement in Twentieth Century Central Europe HIST0854 Module
HIST0855 / HIST0877: Dispossessing Nations: Indian Removals in American History HIST0855 Module
HIST0855 / HIST0877: Dispossessing Nations: Indian Removals in American History HIST0877 Module
HIST0856: Made in the USSR: The Social Life of Soviet Things HIST0856 Module
HIST0858: Ireland: War and Revolution, 1912-1923 HIST0858 Module
HIST0866: Challenging the Gender Binary in Modern Britain HIST0866 Module
HIST0867: Critical Public History HIST0867 Module
HIST0871 Public History, Institutions and Communities HIST0871 Module
HIST0872: New Public Histories in Conflict Affected Contexts HIST0872 Module
HIST0875: Performance and Social Meaning in Africa HIST0875 Module
HIST0879: Ireland: War and Revolution, 1912-1923 HIST0879 Module
HIST0882: Migrant City HIST0882 Module
HIST0888: A Proud Tradition? Sanctuary for Refugees in Twentieth Century Britain (24/25) HIST0888 Module
HIST0901: India and the Early Modern World HIST0901 Module
HIST0929: Colonialism and Africa HIST0929 Module
HIST0938: The Global Continent: A History of Africa HIST0938 Module
HIST2421: African Cities HIST2421 Module
HISTG079: Hollywood Genres HISTG079 Module
History of the Habsburg monarchy 1700-1918 HIST0483 Module
MDVL0003: Medieval Manuscripts and Documents MDVL0003 Module
MDVL0006: Medieval Manuscripts and Documents MDVL0006 Module
MDVL0007: Skills and Sources: Manuscripts and Documents MDVL0007 Module
MDVL0016: Skills and Sources: The Medieval English Book MDVL0016 Module
MDVL0020: Anglo-Saxon Court Culture MDVL0020 Module
MDVL0045: Medieval Papacy MDVL0045 Module
MDVLGE06: Skills and Sources: The Medieval English Book MDVLGE06 Module
MDVLGE07: Anglo-Saxon Court Culture MDVLGE07 Module
SLAVHIST: Slavery and Freedom in 20th Century Africa SLAVHIST Module

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