Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
HCSC0001: Research Evidence and Design HCSC0001 Module
HCSC0005: Research Project HCSC0005 Module
PALS0001: Introduction to the Brain and Imaging the Brain PALS0001 Module
PALS0003: Rehabilitation of Acquired Neurogenic Communication Difficulties PALS0003 Module
PALS0004: Conversation Analysis PALS0004 Module
PALS0005: Neuroscience of Language PALS0005 Module
PALS0007: Perception, Attention and Learning PALS0007 Module
PALS0008: Memory PALS0008 Module
PALS0009: Introduction to Speech Science PALS0009 Module
PALS0013: Development of Communication and Cognition PALS0013 Module
PALS0015: Perspectives on Clinical Psychology PALS0015 Module
PALS0016: Developmental Disorders of Language Learning and Cognition PALS0016 Module
PALS0019: Brain Stimulation PALS0019 Module
PALS0020: Deafness, Cognition and Language PALS0020 Module
PALS0026: Introductory British Sign Language PALS0026 Module
PALS0028: Seminar in Neurolinguistics PALS0028 Module
PALS0029: The Human Voice: Speech, Emotions, Identity PALS0029 Module
PALS0031: Introduction to Event-Related Potential Techniques PALS0031 Module
PALS0032: Introduction to Deafhood PALS0032 Module
PALS0039: Introduction to Deep Learning for Speech and Language Processing PALS0039 Module
PALS0040: Language and Communication PALS0040 Module
PALS0042: Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition PALS0042 Module
PALS0050: Advanced Topics in Language and Speech Development PALS0050 Module
PALS0052: Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience PALS0052 Module
PALS: Advanced Speech Data Processing in R PALS0051 Module
PLIN0006: Introduction to Language PLIN0006 Module
PLIN0007: Core Issues in Linguistics PLIN0007 Module
PLIN0008: Introduction to Children's Language Development PLIN0008 Module
PLIN0010: Pragmatic Theory PLIN0010 Module
PLIN0011: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics B PLIN0011 Module
PLIN0018: Issues in Pragmatics PLIN0018 Module
PLIN0019: Semantic-Pragmatic Development PLIN0019 Module
PLIN0023: Current Issues in Syntax PLIN0023 Module
PLIN0024: Intermediate Generative Grammar PLIN0024 Module
PLIN0029: Stuttering PLIN0029 Module
PLIN0032: Sociolinguistics PLIN0032 Module
PLIN0033: Psycholinguistics: General Processing PLIN0033 Module
PLIN0036: Linguistics of Sign Language PLIN0036 Module
PLIN0038: Neurolinguistics PLIN0038 Module
PLIN0043: Language Evolution PLIN0043 Module
PLIN0044: Bi/Multilingualism: Development and Cognition PLIN0044 Module
PLIN0047: Syntax I PLIN0047 Module
PLIN0048: Foundations of Linguistics PLIN0048 Module
PLIN0050: Semantic-Pragmatic Development PLIN0050 Module
PLIN0053: Interfaces in Syntax PLIN0053 Module
PLIN0061: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology A PLIN0061 Module
PLIN0062: Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology B PLIN0062 Module
PLIN0063: Readings in Syntax PLIN0063 Module
PLIN0064: Introduction to Generative Grammar B PLIN0064 Module
PLIN0067: Intermediate Generative Grammar A PLIN0067 Module
PLIN0084: Phonetics and Phonology 1 PLIN0084 Module
SLAN0001: Phonetics & Phonology SLAN0001 Module
SLAN0003: Professional Studies 1 SLAN0003 Module
SLAN0004: Management of Communication Disorders 1: Language and Cognition (Developmental) SLAN0004 Module
SLAN0005: Management of Communication Disorders 2: Speech and Hearing SLAN0005 Module
SLAN0006: Linguistics SLAN0006 Module
SLAN0007 : Research and Evidence Based Practice SLAN0007 Module
SLAN0008: Professional Studies 2 SLAN0008 Module
SLAN0009: Management of Communication Disorders 3: Language and Cognition SLAN0009 Module
SLAN0010: Managing Communication Disorders 4: Speech, Swalloiwng and Voice SLAN0010 Module
SLAN0012: Research Methods SLAN0012 Module

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