Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
DUTC0001: Dutch Language 1 DUTC0001 Module
DUTC0003: Born out of Rebellion: The Netherlands from the Dutch Revolt to the Eve of World War I DUTC0003 Module
DUTC0004: Modern Dutch Literary Texts DUTC0004 Module
DUTC0005: Dutch Language 2 DUTC0005 Module
DUTC0006: At the Crossroads of Europe: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in the 20th and 21st Centuries DUTC0006 Module
DUTC0007: Twentieth Century Dutch Literature I: Themes DUTC0007 Module
DUTC0008: Multiculturalism and Identity DUTC0008 Module
DUTC0009: Dutch Language 3 DUTC0009 Module
DUTC0013: Contemporary History and Culture of the Low Countries DUTC0013 Module
DUTC0015: Advanced Translation from Dutch into English DUTC0015 Module
DUTC0017: Project in Dutch DUTC0017 Module
DUTC0019: Contemporary History, Society and Culture of the Low Countries DUTC0019 Module
DUTC0021: Advanced Translation from Dutch into English DUTC0021 Module
DUTC0032: Introduction to Dutch Studies 1 DUTC0032 Module
DUTC0033: Introduction to Dutch Studies 2 DUTC0033 Module
ELCS0004: Introduction to the Study of Language and Linguistics ELCS0004 Module
ELCS0005: Transnational Migration: European and Global Contexts ELCS0005 Module
ELCS0006: Music, Nations, Society ELCS0006 Module
ELCS0011: Metamorphosis: The Limits of the Human ELCS0011 Module
ELCS0012: Organized Crime: Gangsters in Life and Art? ELCS0012 Module
ELCS0015: Ink: Material Encounters with Medieval Texts ELCS0015 Module
ELCS0016: STUFF: Materiality and Media in European Culture ELCS0016 Module
ELCS0018: Language and Ideology ELCS0018 Module
ELCS0023: Writing Shame ELCS0023 Module
ELCS0029: Manufacturing Consent: Media and the making of the Modern World ELCS0029 Module
ELCS0030: Black Europe ELCS0030 Module
ELCS0032: Nationalism and Ethnicity in Contemporary Europe ELCS0032 Module
ELCS0035: European Theatre in Translation ELCS0035 Module
ELCS0039: Cultures of conflict ELCS0039 Module
ELCS0042: Topics in Linguistics I ELCS0042 Module
ELCS0044: Translation and Intercultural Communication ELCS0044 Module
ELCS0047: Topics in Visual Representation ELCS0047 Module
ELCS0061: Black Europe ELCS0061 Module
ELCS0065: Language, Culture and History ELCS0065 Module
ELCS0068: Black Europe ELCS0068 Module
ELCS0075: Song in Society ELCS0075 Module
ELCS0097: Audiovisual Translation: Theory and Practice ELCS0097 Module
ELCS6091: Codex to Kindle: An Introduction to the History of the Book ELCS6091 Module
ELCS6109: Topics in History and Heritage ELCS6109 Module
French FRENC_ART Department
GERM0072: Introduction to German Literature GERM0072 Module
German GERMN_ART Department
Global Literature and the Climate Crisis LITC0035 Module
Identity and Health Workshop Series IDENTITYHEALTH Module
Intimate Strangers: Devils, Monsters and Beasts LITC0003 Module
ITAL0048: Italians Abroad ITAL0048 Module
ITAL0053: Introduction to Italian Studies 1 ITAL0053 Module
Italian ITALN_ART Department
LCSP0004: Spanish Level 3 LCSP0004 Module
LCUL0001: Language, Culture and Representation LCUL0001 Module
LCUL0002: Applied Cultural Theory LCUL0002 Module
Life Writing, Autofiction, Fictional Autobiography: Theories and Texts LITC0029 Module
LITC0001: Cultural Encounters in World Literature LITC0001 Module
LITC0002: How to Read Texts LITC0002 Module
LITC0004: Literature of Travel LITC0004 Module
LITC0007: Re-imagining the self LITC0007 Module
LITC0010: Topics in Modern Literary Fiction LITC0010 Module
LITC0012: Word, Image, Sound LITC0012 Module
LITC0014: Urban Tales: the City in East Asian Literature LITC0014 Module
LITC0015: Consumer Culture: Literature, History, Theory LITC0015 Module
LITC0018: Anthropology and Literature LITC0018 Module
LITC0027: Canons and Creativity: Period, Context, Text LITC0027 Module
LITC0028: From Page to Stage: How to Read Plays LITC0028 Module
LITC0030: Topics in the Modern Novel 2 LITC0030 Module
LITC0039: Transcultural East Asia LITC0039 Module
LITC0044: Fashion Cultures LITC0044 Module
Scandinavian Studies SCAND_ART Department
Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies SPANS_ART Department
Utopias and Dystopias in Twentieth Century Literature ELCS0033 Module

Lists linked to School of European Languages, Culture and Society

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Barcelona Summer School - SELCS Academic Year 2024/25 17/07/2024 06:25:20